
Argan oil is the best solution for softening and shining hair and is very suitable for curly and wavy hair.

Argan oil is rich in fatty acids such as linoleic acid, which contain vitamin E. This oil is a natural antioxidant and can increase intracellular oxygenation. Antioxidant compounds (tocopherols – phenols – carotenoids) are found in a very high concentration in this oil. About 99% of argan oil consists of triglycerides (oleic and linoleic acids) and the remaining 1% contains vitamin E, carotenoids, sterols and polyphenols.

Argan oil is known as liquid gold due to its properties, which is obtained from a tree of the same name in Morocco. This oil, with all kinds of essential vitamins and healthy fatty acids, is the best product for moisturizing, rejuvenating and nourishing skin and hair. Argan oil also works wonders to smooth and shine hair and soften dry hair.

Fatty acids and essential antioxidants that promote hair growth and prevent hair loss are present in argan oil, which can prevent hair loss by using argan shampoo. Of course, more important than preventing hair loss, argan shampoo helps to restore healthy hair and maintain hair moisture. Shampoos that contain argan oil make hair strong and shiny and prevent hair damage and decay. These shampoos can be used like any other shampoo normally to see its strengthening effect on the hair. With argan supplement shampoos, in addition to strengthening damaged and frizzy hair, you will no longer need a hair conditioner, and it can be a good nourishment to strengthen your hair. Argan oil is one of the most useful oils used to repair and strengthen hair. Argan oil shampoo can be used for people who have dandruff or need conditioners. Also, among the properties of this shampoo, we can mention protection against heat, inappropriate substances and particles of water, especially during swimming, treatment of hair loss and frizz. If you have damaged hair that needs to be repaired and no matter how much you cut it, you do not see any effect on the health and repair of your hair, do not underestimate the miracle of argan shampoo. Especially when it is combined with other oils and herbal extracts suitable for treatment such as rosemary, etc. Argan oil shampoo for oily hair helps to balance the oil in the hair and provides the necessary moisture and nutrients to the hair. If you use these shampoos regularly, the oil secretion on your scalp will be regulated and it will prevent your hair from becoming too oily. This shampoo, with its properties and essential vitamins, also prevents flaking and excessive dryness of the scalp. Dry hair causes frizz and brittle hair, so argan shampoo helps to provide moisture to dry hair and hydrate and nourish the hair.

Properties in Parjak Argan shampoo:

Rich in natural vitamin E

Hair softener and brightener

Preventing hair tangles

Anti-brittle hair

Prevent hair frizz

Restoration of bleached hair

Frizz treatment


Wash your hair every time you shower. Leave the shampoo on the head for 2-3 minutes, then rinse.


Suitable for all hair, especially dry and damaged hair.

Due to its high cleaning power, it cannot be used daily. It can usually be used two to three times a week.

Argan oil is the best solution for making hair soft and shiny and very suitable for curly and wavy hair. The compounds in argan oil are strong antioxidants and protect hair from free radical damage. Treating hair loss is another miracle of argan oil.

three years.

Gently massage Parjak Argan shampoo on the head, leave it on the head for 2-3 minutes, then rinse the hair.

Parjak shampoos

Containing natural Black Garlic extract

Containing natural pepper extract

Containing natural olive extract

Containing natural rice bran extract

natural Chamomile extract - vitamin B5

natural zizyphus extract - vitamin B5

Containing natural Pomegranate seed oil

Enriched with natural Garlic extract

Enriched with natural Walnut extract

Enriched with natural Rosemary extract

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    1400 . 03 . 14

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